You will receive a letter inviting you to take part in the review and a consent form.
If you want to take part in this review, fill in and return the consent form.
You will be invited to a virtual meeting with the moderator to discuss what the review involves and what it aims to achieve.
You will receive a form to set out your main areas of concern and what evidence you want the Panel to review.
The relevant health boards will be asked to provide entries from your case records, after removing information that could identify you.
You will have another virtual meeting to make sure that the health boards have provided the correct evidence. Your case records will then be sent to the clinical members of the Review Panel.
The clinical members will each review your case records separately. After this, the Review Panel will meet to discuss the records and make a decision about how accurate your case records are.
You and anyone supporting you will have a meeting with the Review Panel to discuss their decision.
The Review Panel will produce a report to clearly explain the findings of the review.
The report will be added to your case records. If your case records need to be made clearer, the report will be flagged so that your healthcare professionals are aware for future treatment.
You will have the opportunity to comment on the report and ask questions.
You will be asked to evaluate the review process. This feedback will help to influence future reviews.